News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)

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GREENSBORON DAILY NEWS MONDAY JANUARY 21 1935 CONVICTS MAY PAY WITH LIVES OR BREAK (Continued rom Page One) Hamtown News DOLLS BOND MAW general advance seen a 1 OTHER ITEMS NEWS AHew Yarfxr atlaivfe president wieert KOiand in the greenest Margaret sports coat and the trousers fill Street Briefs 25c 1 2 Any Seat 25c Anytime 'AUIlTS 1511 mt March October Tw Imlcnloy Cartoon "Once On a Time" to ill America Concen'rated centralization of government In Washington Is all right but mild centralization In RJ lelgh Is all bad However the people Of this nation and of North Carolina seem to like both 11 mi In ta a jl a ul S' cd tia bat ip Hi 1 nSz Ilk SB fW IT Its btttl OJU MPflt I 19 bi rjk mta ca it isk a lie ol til it 6 Ml uttl TWH i Uneasiness of Investors? Is Partially Allayed Before End of Week and Prices I'fllow Hauptmann Trial tn Id High Low1256 12291263 1232 12301203 1215 Miss Margaret lowers Enter tains rench Club of High School At Her Home MRS MfllESHOSTESS TO CLUB AT HICKORY the SiTetn Wall Street Looks orward To Decision On Gold Laws lir" kLlamv Gardner and avored By Legislature REDRIC MARCH Anna Sten "We Live iZhats What ata Gia tfWASH I NgfONMVVO q( Bl lr Oil St I juts W' it 11 it flusl llltS5 itiS1'11 to tl its iet st It 1 Jfl pt1 lit if Bv JAMES RESTON New York Jan 20 Nowhere In the land Is there to found music qultq like the street music of New fitful music which breaks out llktf a singing giant above the myriad sounds of the city Street pianos harmonicas fiddles banjos trumpets any? thing liideed that will attract at tention to the musician Is played always with great patience usually with frightful Inefficiency rom un der the elevated tracks It spouts from the curbings of ifth avenue the mouths of the subway stations the streets that flank the grand ho tels Periodically there Is movement In the city to sllencq these musical beggars? The Letters to the Editor columns are filled then with reports of vile squeaking under my hlOht fv th IB Tnnl New York Jan Wall trt views the new week with the miestion of how the Supreme court Jill decide the gold cases still up nprmost in Its mind but with less uneasiness over the outcome As vague fears gave way to calm nnralsal It was pointed out In sev ai quarters that the constitution dearly gives Congress the right to rnln and regulate the value of moneynd with the legislators In their pres Jnt fra of mlnd on the aubject Sere seemed no possibility of the return of the old currency worth nearly 70 per cent more per unit than the present dollar Should the court decide against the government the treasury as well private corporations and indi viduals having bonds and other obll eatlons outstanding specifically pay Le in dollars of the old weight and fineness of gold or tht equivalent might be put In a quandary momen tartly according to Wall street Minion It was pointed out however that' inclusion of the so called clauses" In bonds and other obliga tions had become a mere formality that very few Investors or lenders had been accustomed to pay any at tention to such clauses so It seemed doubtful If people who quite by ac cident held gold clause bonds and notes would be permitted to com mand 70 per cent more than whose Investments did not contain the gold clause In some legal quai By LESLIE El (Central Press Staff writer) New York The Haupt 'mann' trial Is obscuring many other happenings or example a bill Is being rushed through Congress to make It a crim inal offense Mr 'anybody even Amer icans to talk about military "and naval Installations or equipment or to make 'photographs or drawings (without permission) of pertaining to or the navy rill 'labor is seeking a six hour day apd a federal full crew Jaw 'While steel' demand Is trp one third over hao it Was a year a which means thatugrbss for the: first half of the Will be ripsurprisingly" for gteej companies' Earps "Less Money earning less even 'for "the largest banks' as well as depositors In al) banks largest the Chase National reports earnings 616509309 for'l934' Net earnings for 1933 were 6261298094 Chairman Nelson Aldrich of Jwho a brother in law of Jdhrt'D Rockefeller Jr) says e'arii Ings are lower for two reasdns 1 Interfest rates on loans are low and (2) there Is little demand for Joans eyen at the low RUPTURE Hoffman Expert former associate of Redllch Minneapo lis Minn will demonstrate charge his "Perfect Retention Shields" In' Greensboro Wednesday and Thursday January and 24 atthe Henry Hotel from 10 A to A Mi Please cbifife Eve nings by appointment Any rhpture tuiowed fo protrude la dangerous weakenlrig the whole system If often auses etdtnach trouble gas nd backpalns My Retention Shields' Will hplii rupture under any condl tlqn 'of work and contract the openf' log Ill a "snort tl(ne Do nqt submit io avoidable opera tions ami wear ti that win en large the" opening Many Clients in this Community No man sta ifee Screen show 'HIS Stage! 'trlrhV J'bl'vrlaifells i 'h' I lalic City RANKIN NEWS By MRS GORDON" while 1 try to sleep 'in the morn ing" 'But for All the Inefficiency of the players for all the whining and crooning and grunting and squeal ing for all the unconvincing letters In the papers I "cannot but say that Jt would be a major1 tragedy to me to have these beggars silenced Compared to the lopd blasts of countless radios this street music Is like the chirp of a bird In this ver tical city where humans cram Into little crannies and live piled high into the sky the radio Is the greater problem Through a vulgar neigh wall Ninth can be unbearable But down In 'the street blaring away from the open shop door eveq radio music fits well Intothe symphony of the pavement Though these beggars play the happiest tuhfes theirs 6s the saddest mhslc in the world Heard from the top of a towering apartment there Is something poignant about' It But It Is difficult' to' forgef the faces of the players the blank defeated faces of the blind Jhe pathetic wrlthings of the maimed The thin quick of the modern 'tunes alters this picture' 'But thfe music of the streets not sad neither Is It all prompted by the hope that coins' will oome spinning frpm 'open windows Iff the' German section of 'the city around 70th and Second avenue the bands afe still 'com posed of great xed faced roly polys who wear hats tooSmall fpr them and play Joyfully forhours wlthoutlhope qf "morgpay than a largei circle roam between num bers ine stpild qlp German' women' 'It the in the summer JlMenlqg 'pna' beating time Then pf course1 the 1m prontptu music "fejqng for the Joy of singing pwqn't forget fhe night' fbur East Sjrta urchins reelep past''me' oh Times Square singing at the top of their voices "Home on the ters It was felt that should tn decide the method By which Congress abrogated the gold clauses was un constitutional could declare a moratorium on such payment! un til a proper method wks found Wall more reasoned ap proach to the subject as last week was Particularly notable In the action of railroad bonds It was at that moat ran and the ana the roads are already heavllv burdened with debt a 70 per emt 'JL thelr debt WOU11 break most of them The sudden rise in exchange last Tuesday prompt railroad bonds out by the end of fehe week thv had more than reedvened their lows7 as measured by the Associated Press Industrial and' fin nds medlum rating did not fully recover but high zrade issues generally tfioved new Mer tUe inliuenqe of great f6r investment A LI II Led Despite the 'moderate rebound In attltnde toward securities remained one of caution Pressure of aeekinK an outlet was a factor in rising preferred Stocks as well as bonds In the mean time excess reserve of mnrn arword around 62000 000 finally topping the peak of last August But opinions on the out iirutir nlng HOUSING IS PLANNED Group Organized In Lexington to Promote HA Programs i to Dolly News) Lexington Jan A of Interested business men and prop erty owners meeting with Scott Rndeker federal housing administra official at the munlelphl puild Ing Thursday morplng' took the first step In the organization of ths Lex ington better housing program which will carry out h'e plans of the fed eral housing administration In Lex5 ington The meeting was called by Mayor7 A Smith acting chairman for the ourpose of having Mr Radeker out line a prograpi for the Lexington bet ter Musing 'campaign The program will Include a house to housfe cam paign to 'accelerate the demand for modernization and repqlr worlc under the HA plan A publicity campaignwill run concurrent with the house to housp canvajj Attending' th meeting' Were Dr A 'Smith 'John Craven Retl Wlnfe VCrltcher Timber lake Smith 'H Darts Ward 'end' Jr tin A McCraryMr Crstven was elected permanent man of tw'hetter hduslng will proceed with tfie gppolniment of committees necessary to carry bn hie program In' 'Lexing ton Chapel exercise's riday conducted by the senior class of the high 'school directed by Win chester home room teacher The program was on "How to Become a Citizen of the United States of Amer Those taking parts were: Al bert Martin Adelaide Ledbetter Jim Summers Mary Harris Maurice Col bert Rachel Clapp James Campbell Joe White Aulden Andrews Herman Hinshaw and Rachel Scott Mr and Mrs Carl Talley' and son Jim have returned to their home on Bulltwell avenue after spending a few days In Clover Va with rela tives Mrs Russell is ill Influ enza at her home On Surnmlt avenue extension Miss Irma Shaw member pf the local faculty and her mother Mrs Shaw qf South Park drive wers called to Washington ori ac count Ct the death! of Mrs sister Mrs A Jonfes A McKplght has returned to his home on the Yanceyville road after spending the at Pamlico pound Miss Dorothy Brewer Is recuperat ing at her home on Summit avenue extension after being confined for jeveraj days Mrs Amos Is to be improving after being 111 at her home on Bulltwell avenue Miss Lena Rogers of High Point Is visiting hey' sister' Mrs Jule Bryson on Summit qvenue extension a numoer from this community at tended the funeral of Mrs Julia Ran kln orbps at Buffalo Presbyterian church She was a former' resident of Gullford county but had made her home in Charlotte for the past several years Mrs orbes Is the sis tpr ln law of Mrs' Al Rankin and the aunt of Mrs A 11 King Opal Llmeback of BUIltwell ave nue has resumed her studies after being in for several weeks Butter' King former 'resident Bulltwell ayenue ts recqperatlfig from pneumonia at the home of 'his sister Mra Cleo Whltter In the Mad ison community 1 Johansfnari a member of the'qhodl faculty? at her home on the Yanceyville road Prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr anti Mrs Howard on Bulltwell avenue Thursday eve ping conduct'd by Luther Hux Mrs Dillon of Bulltwell avenue ha been removed from St hos pjtal tp her hom*o New York Jan 20 Minty regarding the gold value brthe dollar as a result of cases now before' th Supreme corlrt restrained prices and activity on the bond mar let during the early of lastiweek but composure wak regplhfejl 5 toward the end of the period The big rush to acquire obllga ctlons calling for payment ln 7 and dispose of others not confaln Jng that clause which kept the mar let boiling In the' two' 'days of the preceding week tapered off ooulderably upon more mature re rCectlons by Investors who apparent lv desired to make whatever adjust sments they could In advance'of the ruling on the government's jijmetary policy united States government bonds i'vere a bit shaky at times but as a frtole rellkted continued substan pun accumulation at slightly hlgner prices for nost of the treasury is and the Indirect obligations of i the government Some of the liber tles which had raced upward be jse of the popularity of the gold clause were subjected to' moderatepressure and yielded peri of 'their sdvances but a steadier tone pre valled In this group toward the end the week corporate sectlop obliga tions of companies having large tadod debts were liquidated at tar prices when consideration was IT vea to the fact that should the court rule against abrogation qf this clause debtors would be' faced with a 69 per cent increase in themount they5 owed But the nerv ousness here wore off and a better dinand appeared for these Issues jh later dealings Of highest Importance inv'est iment circles was the announcement Monday that" tM securities and echange commission In a move tospeedreopenlng of the capital iwt and give Impetus to Pd modified Its registration re quirements and evolved a new form 'eliminating some of features I that proved distasteful to'corpora executives under the original regulations 1 'One of the first developments un the new conditions is expected be the refunding of a large vol of securities now outstanding A spectacular drop of more than points In Royal Dutch 4s follow a decision bv the Hague inter hedlate courts that the company not be required to pay gold 4J its equivalent when redeeming bonds was the most development In the foreign sec rt' Netv Jan Thfe' cotton market has been Inofe active during the pest week arid prices have stiowr broader fluctuations than has been the yule' foy several weeks past New Out 6f Washington was the dominating Influence and the mar ket has decllnedor Improved as' the developments proved constructive or otherwise In 'the early part of the week prices weakened losing about 23 to 25points op selling and long liquida tion Induced by fears of a decision againstthe government by the United States Supreme court In the' gold case and by sharp declines In sterling and francs prices recovered practically all of the early deilne on the annoupcement from Washington that the' quota of production for the coming season had been fixed at 1b 500 0CQ bales 'under the provisions of the Bankhead act oreign markets advanced on this' new as well as the domestic market's In the closing dqya of the "week prices eased off again on realizing and on selling by disappointed longs who had bought on the Bankhead quota' As a yesult the week closed showing a net decline corripared with' the close of the previous Saturday of 5 to 10 points The demand for 1 spots during the past week showed some Improvement 'owing to by domestic mills Exports froth United States ports during the past 'week have been fair despite' the rapid fluctuations in for eign exchange The shipments to the orient were 'rather liberal and Great Britain took a fair' amount Total exports 'for the season are still 1855:000 bales behind' compared with last year' High low and closing lii the future market during the past Week compared with a yean ago' vast Close Year 1242 1095 1250 1112 1252 1241 1148 By THARLES I STEWART (Centi Id Preaa Staff Writer) Washington The Issue as' to what Hawaii Is entitled to as Integral part of the United promises tq considerable significance 'during the present ses sion of Congress Inhabitants of the Island territory are fearfiil of attempt to reduce them to something lower than a' 'ter ritorial status Their own thought Is that 'they nave a perfect right to unqualified Statehood Samuel Wilder King the archi new delegate In Washington submits his constituents' case thus: "Uncle Sam bought the Philippines 'and the Virgin Islands It captured Puertp Rice dependencies But Texas and Hawaii were an nexed Hawaii theri is as American' aS (Speelal ts Djillx News) Hickory Jail Mrs C' Men zies was hostess to Htckciy Book clUb Wednesday afternoonMrs Speas an out of' tawn member was 'present The hostess gave an ac count of her book'The Clement Bane 1 The rench club of the Hickory high school was entertained by Miss Margaret lowers Monday evening' Miss Peggy Setzer gave a talk on the life of the rench artist Jean Char din Mis? Martha Moretz ex plained the life of Jean rancois MJ1 Mrs Wv'R Spalnhour entertained at' foqr tables of bridge home In Aikenwoocl Wednesday afternoon' Prizes for and second? highscores wei awarded Miss Mabel Mil ler and Mrs Norman Dlsahar' Garlyle Miller a recent bride waspresented with a piece of pottery The Dp As You Please club met' with Mrs: Moss aft ernoon Rbutliye business was trans acted followed" by the literary period when the hostess discussed the book "Gorgeouq by Samuel liop kins Adams Bobby Moss entertained the olub with piano selections dur Ing the social hour Mrs" A Lutz entertained the Henry Book club at the first meet Irig of the "new year rlday afternoon A review was given of the Mr 'by James Hil ton after which Mrs A Ci Hender son gave a special paper Ger many's government from Hohenzol lern to Hitter The Waverly Book club was enter tained by Mrs Rldenhour Thursday The book under special consideration "Provin cial Lady In by Delefleld The special program which concerned Washington was giveri by Mrs Klenke Mrs Brldgers ehtertalned at three of bridge riday eveningHigh score prizes were won by Mrs Leon Ivey and Dr Hambrick The low score award went to Mrs red Campbell" Mrs A Kepley entertained at a party riday evening In honor of her sister Mrs James Troutman a recent bride Two tables of bridge and two of heart dice were In play Bridge prizes for high scores went to Mrs Jer vls Gordon and Mrs' Don ald Wilfong while' prizes In heart dice were awarded Mrs Troutman end Mrs Donald Wilfong Mrs Trout man was presented with a miscel laneous shower during the evening Mrs A Henderson was hostess to the Deck Hands Bridge clubWednesday afternoon Lewis anrt Mrs Sam Tankard were Mrs Jimmie Whlteiter 're ceived the high score prize Mrs Dick Boyd the low score award Mrs Ingpld Entertained the club at the first meeting of the new year Thursday afternoon Mrs Spratt was the only guest In addition to club members The Business and Professional club held a supper meet ing Thursday evening The club fl nance committee composed of Miss' Anna Rowe' chairman Mrs A Scharrer and Miss Lena Hollar had charge of the program for the ev Ulng WILL BE GIVEN BY PLAYL1KERS Comedy Whicfx Mildly Satirizes Society of 1845 Is Tentatively Set or ebruary 21 by Cora Mowatt comedy which mildly satirizes society of 1845 la to be the next drama pre sented by Playllkera of Woman's col lege according to Taylor direc tor of dramatics at the state Instltu tlon who also stated yesterday that the group of p'ayers had been given Invitations to eppear in production's at Duke unlver Ity and Kings Moun tain ebruary 21 Is the tentative date set Toy the perfcimanpe of "ashion'1 Mr Taylpr feald that he cast wasbe Ing selected and would probably be completed nkt week Playlikcrs Have 'been InVltfed to ap pear at the first In March It la probable that ar rangements will be made to take the group there at that time for the' pro duction of a play Those lj) charge of the players 'are considering arrangements'for the pre seutgtJon of Nod Coward's "Hay ever'' 4t Kings Mountain' That play was recently given before an aud lente nt Pinehurst At present tile collegians are busy' with' plans'fbr showing in Grifensboro next mon'th plained them all with this: are against Gardner and all his That was a quotation from Henry Cabot Lodge who was against "Woodrow Wilson and all his and Mr Lodge's fiery speech came from the Bible which spoke of "the devil and all his works" It was a fancy phrase though It resembled one of Goldberg's cartoons In that It mean anything As things now stand there are apparently a lot of people who are against Gardner and none of his works The antl Gard ner sentiments are always vague and usually take the form of political gen eralitles The greatest "liberals" to day are demanding that the sales tax shall be defeated for re enactment The unhappiest of the Is the Raleigh News and Observer which finds Itself In the position of having violently assailed Gardner for beating the sales tax In 1931 and with equal opposing Eh ringhaus for retaining what the edi tor demanded that Gardner give The paper proposing the abbreviated bal lot to the nth degree now finds Itself In furious disagreement with both Gardner and Ehringhaus because power has tended to gravitate to them under legislative 'authority No more difficult assignment ever yvaa given "liberal" than that of glorl fylng Roosevelt as the greatest of rulers and Gardner as the worst of grabbers And everybody In the gen eral assembly sees the senselessness of trying to maintain both positions These are as hand to harmonize as that great paper's passionate procla mation against Al Smith for trying to repel the 18th amendment "Which Is a religion to our people" and Its booming reticence while the blas phemy was going on Having Hard Time The are having a hard time end Gardner an easy one They leave hl work on the books and then sefek to put down the one 'great act that he off those books Gardner as the Incarnation of dfvll Ish even an Imp period In North Carolina his tory wheri the greatest and most far reaching movement In centfalleatlon "of authority and control occurred was during the administration of Governor Gardner In order to keep history straight it IS Interesting to refer to the brief past Gardner rejxfriimendfed In Jhls mes sage of 1931 the' frial tv consolidating and centttfllrlnq legislation enacted In" Wat long session 'He urged 'the of more than 10D highway andthe dw by the 'state of all county' roads under the authority anel of the statf highway More' than 600 local road lost their jobs by this one act Gardner demanded the destruction of the 'scatteredand competitive lo cal puj'chaaing agents of Institutions arid departments and She aubqtitu tlon of ohe centrallzlag amounting to $10 000000 for' the qeeds sf the state: Local Go) eminent Act Gardner fought fqr 'and the passage' of tjie locil government commission act "by which the state became' fnet Supervisor of fte jiariclal commltmeuts' local units and feally gave power (othe qlate to the inqurVlng of additional debt by the county "and city boards vital blow but" a necessary one lccai self government Gerdper almost single' htincted by special message to general as sembly forced Consolidation dur three Institutions Of learn Into the greater university qf North barolln'a State responsibility and 'support of public education for six month sdhooi term supported the state frQm sources "other than ad valorem was largely brought about I931: by the leadership of A J) Mac A Lean' Since' 1931 there have been thfee party three primary elections and' three general elections In North Carolina If centralized an tliollty control the state so destructive "to democracy ahd so nf fcnslve to good government and so subversive of the liberty 'of the peo how does It that me'm 'bcra of the three general assmblles that have been elected since 1931 frtsh from people have not' re pealed these Iniquities jtntl'rllberal and centralizing It Is well kndwn that primary tn their zeal for nomination are quick ecnse unpopular laws and are hot reluctant to pledge support mation and repeal when they ascer tain unrest and discontent on the part of the electorate question frequently arises Hen dlqctissfori'i abdut liberal trends In North Carolina occur: Are the peo ple of the state dissatisfied with ''cen tralization of authority and control by the state goVe'rnrhent? The beat answer to this question Id that no po litical party no convention no pri mary revolution no general assembly that has spoken or convened since 1981 has aitemptcjl directly or Indi rectlv to reneal ariie'nd dr alter the control lerlslat'lon enacted durlpg the Gardner administration i' ll Is doubtful if 20 members of the' present general assembly could be found who would favor going back to the good old days of local self gov ernment that almost wrecked North Carolina prior to 1931 Another singular and unlque'situa tlon confronts the liberals of North Carolina when they talk about cen tralized government and that Is the record and achievement of the great est of all liberals ranklin Roose velt the President of the United States The record of Gardner's ad ministration on this Issue makes' Gardner look like a piker compared to the reach grasp andscopfe of President Roosevelt as he Invades rights and creates 1n Washing ton the greatest centralized federal In al1' the of Statehood Arguments Delegate King says he considers that bls' principal mission at the cap ital Is to rub this Idea Into mainland comprehension Secondarily he will work for state hood Hawaii hts rriore 'Inhabitants than Delaware Nevada Vermont dr Wyoming have today and more t'han several other territories had when they were admitted 'to statehood A dozen or so qf states pay Ifess each annually into the treas ury In taxes than Hawaii Discriminated Against Yet Uncle government infixing sugar production limitation's under new deal auspices made more' liberal allowances not only to main land smgar 'producing states: but tothe "seml allen Philippines and to out and out alien Cu'oa than to Hawaii "Which was ah economic in Jusi tlce" asserts Delegate King "but wedon't Complain of It on that grpurid as bn the ground that It Im plies a general disregard of our rights under the constitution "It suggests a threat against our territorial autonomy "or "example our governor though appointed by' the Presidentmust be a Hawaiian citizen We are apprehensive of a readjustment which will permit tile appointmentof a malnlan'der We sense a hint at some form of military rule In (Sv'vrlal to tinllv Xr'wa) Morganton gOCorn club members In Burke bounty an average of40 corn to the acre during the past year 'reports County Agent Sloan Twelve boys took corn growing ak tttelr ma jor project' and harvested i total of 4S4 buftlels on ths '12 awes 'MKna'eaffroIn ere 'were' ex hibited at the rccerit Guernsey cattle fellow and were awardhl prizes foe production b6y has again elected to gt5w corn as their chih nrhlant 1 Pianing tjeed fpr trls wareflfejd selected last year say Mrs Ella Alvis Is 111 at ths home of her daughter Mrs A Mills on entries street Mrs Ernest Stevens is able be out again after having been two weeks with Influenza Mrs Ellis Simmons remains 111 her home on ields street Iris small daughter of Mr and Mrs Shotwell continues to Im prove at the home on ields street after several days illness with Influ enza The Missionary union of Stevens Memorial Baptist church met Monday night at the church Those attending were Meedames A Gun ter Brisson Brown A Newman Sutton Garner Newman EE Welborne Rose Pickard Bill Leonard and Misses Ethel Brown Helen Reed and Mary Mlles Miss Dora Karnes Is quite til with pneumonia at her home on Church street extension Mrs ubby Peele Is able to be out after a Illness at her home on Charles street Mr and Mrs Poole and daughters Shirley and Elizabeth Misses Beulah Reid and Dorothy Nance of White Oak recently visited Mr and Mrs McDonald at Sedgefleld The small daughter of Mr andMra George Shoffner lyis recovered from an illness at her home on Charles street Mrs Wilma Craig of Danville Va Is visiting her slater Mrs Thelma Lawson on Church street extension Hprtenae and Margaurlte Cooke are able to oilt after' being con fined with whooplnir cough and chicken pox Thompabn underwent an oper aton at St Leo's hospital a week ecro and la reported to be recovering nlelv Vance County Weed Growers Against Earner Allotments (SpMliilio Dally News) 'Henderson Jan growers vance county are strongly against any Increases in al lotments for the 1835 and sire that plantings islu*tll be held down "to the level of last ac cording to Sanders county He believes farmers as much against an Increase now as Jthey were Ip fnver of larger allot ments a year ago In sfectlons meetings are being planned by grdwers to give voiceto tw any In crease In' allotments No suclj meet ing hfis been called Jn county put If flie tide of opposition continues as strong as now or be comds mbre so such a gathering may demanded a Wilkes County armers Will Place Exhibit At Exposition CSperUI to Dnlly) New) Nortly Wilkesboro' Jan 2Q County White? i variety of corn fa for the premiums and It hM wonjf various fairs tn exhibited at exposition sponsoredby the Virginis Crop' Improvement association' to be held in Hopewell' Va Jahiyiry '24 and 25: TVxn bmX tv UULU of Purlear haye sent JQ ear exhibits to the exposition which Is open to the Uhlted States'ind Canada The premlumsoffered are by' no means lucrative But the Wilkes farmers are eager tq place'thelr product with the keenest of competition River Area Dally tfewg burcuiu 108 Wnahlnetonrhonf iX7H High Point Jan delegation from ranklin county headed bx Morgan county agent and Winchester county vocational agri cultural teacher conducted over the erosloncontrol area by member of the soil erosion service staff eRurose of the inspection trip of the Deep river area war to observe the and construction of ter races with the view of Instituting thr methods used bvJhe'soil erosion service oh the farms of ranklin county jtars Expressed At Beginning of Last Week Have Been About Dissipated and Traders Do Not Anticipate Any Worries Whether Court Upholds statute Or Not Coniebal Most' "remarkable ponieback made By 'any city Is that made by Detroit Three years ago there 'Utei ally was iio money 1'n Detroit the bank holiday tmd how of the banks did not" reopen? Arid you re member how the city was talking of defaulting on Its municipal debt? Today Detroit has mlHions of ready cash a 1 National' Bank of Detroit 'began' at scratch now has sources of $304 446688 69 of which and government obligations total 624236299474' Thafs orife bank And the pity under young rank son or United States Sen "ator James Couzens not only doe'snot default Its debt but actually seems to be reducing Its debtDetroit has been favored by the upturn In the automobile Industry Even a 25 per cent upturn In In dustry generally would clear cities of their' difficulties similarly Wednesday afternoon In the school auditorium and elected officers for the' second' semester asfollows: Presl riant Ctorm1 vine nraeiriant nacnei bcott: secretarv 1 Johnson treasure! Rachel Gilchristmonitor Sherman Harris leader Mrs Waters The missionary society of Lee's chapel'church held its monthly meet Ing Thursday afternoon gt the home of Mrs Cafley on Chestnut street The program was In the form of a pledge service led by Mrs Charles Gilchrist Mrs Ruffin Lucas and Mrs George Chapell Mrs Banner? I district secretary made a talk and Mrs Apple president was In the chair for the business session' Mrs Ward taught the second grade at Rankin this week during the absence of their teacher Miss Irma Shaw yew York Jan Produc the United leached a new all timeat 210331000 pounds Textile Organon published In am ulize ChatlUon corporation toJ production was 208530000 Domestic consumption In 199466000 pounds Auction of 4 per cent from 1933 Auckland president of the meed tort a window each or "this fool make Ci01pf5aJ10n blows his brains out on a flute Hilary si distribution whlle try to sleep morn 411 it'llai w1 'n cash 1 4 381332 will credits kt11 the hearings January 25 before tn on 1 courtB at rt Wayne 1 of ta Prt7Posod reorganlza r4 XmT studebaker corporation Il iSJn Motors 'corporation NttSlr of the Stude commit the frhat hla committee be f1 WockhLMtment accorded prefer Plan ls equitable and supported Prices Shoecl Broader lue' tuations During Past Week Than or Several NET DECLINE I IS SHOWN Mats 15c hilles 20e Lawrence StalljngS1 irst World after the break Miqwing Inmates being into the vard rank CvkM Hefn iinkrnTn rtri 'Iew the California primin'shortly rialr carried off Stages WoumteA inIhe hattje he PeUhHa 1 9'off i ROBT YOUNG Betty urnesg In Band Playj vn order HOME OICE: 305 Lincoln Bldg Minneapolis Minn Mat 'Houkes Destroyed By (Special to Dalte New) Jah Two dwellinghouses wfere deep and third badl(lt damaged In 4 'midnight blaze "Pearl street' ridav rilaht The houses' were occupied project drid some bsvii even broken Hee 'ife Chief Shepherd es for 'the eariv nlanlhv er 'nh taii vuMineu une uwi ap The Leeollan Dramatic clCktfinetl vii me ouc look for corporate earnings remained confused GWCLAUSE IWNW ORLEANS COTION a a COM1NG to LIE IN TI1 GREATER ALL U'nnV HES! A RO With riAL LtKUY 4pCHELLrE UUY'KBBEE RIALTQ T()I)AY I yooo TTW1 By HUBBARD Santa Anl(a "PafK Los Angeles Jim If it one thing that attracts something else Right now the soriiethlng else Is the horse races movie crowd befen Supporting track splen dldly Socially as well as' financial ly' we mean here this'' day In droves because Hollywood 'handi cap on the bill and art "Al In the fourth Al ran' aecnd by the way disappointing many 'of "namesake's friends who had played him mi the nose But let's not bother about horses tyben are Stars end 'styles' to fecn Ruby Keeler Is here anti" i tlle only Holly woodlte dressed in: black clot coat trimmed "with a velvet haf on tiia' ner head Betty Qomfrson" (who passes up t'he pteblah62 wln dows to' make 6 10 bets is Rearing a "brown 'SHk crepe drfess a little funnel shaped hat a mink COnv Bad forMinks 'Dorothy Mackallr (escorted NellJ Miller) la wearingbrown cbvere by a length (It was for' the minks) Doris Jenyon and Leila Hy mans and Gibson and per haps a half others also have on mlhks There's redrlc March lantIy smoking a seemingly very self conscious In spite 9 it wearing a sillt that neerfs pressing badly His hangs" down Welssmuller llke over his collar 'be cause growing It for a 'picture Cortez dressed quietly 'In bl ack site away from the crowd quietly smoking pipe Occasionally he visits the 6501 betting booths: Jack Warner with former Mrs Don Alvarado is a 650' bettor too Weslpy Ruggles Is pol'lectlng buthe confesses been made by his wife ATline' Judge who mere ly says bet on 7TIAT and tar some reason "that" horse' wins Arllhe Is wearing a yel low knitted eports sulf Barbara Stanwyck in a brown tweed fur trimmed suit stays In' her box but husband rank ay wan dfirs arou nd among the 'crowd' wear ing a most worried 'look Charlie Chase wearing the loudescheckfed sports coat we ever saw seems al m8 f13' coming "awa'y frpm the10 wlndow with a handful of 14 as usual bo no orte knows whether win mro? or losing Herb used to be Jockey that should help Gilbert DnloYxri i hi me Kicmeni vur wnsiiicBL i rr 1 1 1 kj" in town (with which he wears a brown and yellow tie) Is rushing a bobt clapping people on the baclu (Mayoe he picked Joison to id here ladles and gentlemen 'Is the fashion plate Adolplw Menjou Reading from bottom tt! top he's4aJln5 Patent leather shoes pearl gray spats gray checkered trousers 8a wav coat gi ay stock tie (In which there is a small diamond horseshoe) and a gray derby He car ries gloves a dane and field glasses 18 a dandy LC seem to be body'll JnCh of 80m8 Next to Menjou la Pat O'Brien who by comparison makes one think of the town's bad boy wearing hmJP' alouohei1 bvar one ear a baby wiuX1 bU PROGRAM APPROVED Soil Erosion Control Approved or Alamance County (Siwclul io Dally News) Burlington Jan 20 Ari Imme diate program of soil eroon control in Alamance county received the of ficial stamp of approval from a 'sub committee of the county board of commissioners meeting in Joint ses sion with the goll erosion com rrdt tee here Bie erosion group headed by presented a resolution that the ciui)ty Untier uftlt of t'rraclng Proven ted a complete 18 proposed prqgsam ahfl the board gave its ap piu 1 ba placed goyernnjent commlwio in Raleigh fpr Ita approyal Btirke County Corn Club Boys High Yield sM I 'I I 1 1 1 11 I Tlh' 4 xZ 'Wk It IMr 1 Vr rVwLsA'V 'S' Ivv: iimWW'B I III fail I i I i'iP jjfcitffi If I HI 6 ilk I I ft! i'? 1 1 Hj 1 iff I 38222221 A.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.