The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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Your Horoscope NEWS IN REVIEW I Hi i In Jazz estival DIAL MU 2 9221 NOTICE TO fe' up into basem*nts (By Law No 1865) Residents are hereby directed that all OR EACH OENCE INSPECTION will be made in the Sewer Area and ft BROWN Deputy Clerk I rm oh youR OlU DIAL Skips Plr Tke Lakes A 1 Puccini: "Madame Butterfly" fconcl) Act 3 Brahms: Sixteen Woltzes Op 39 Carl Seemon piano was described as good and others average Some doctors stressed it still was early to have a definite Idea of permanent success through his method Similar work has been done in the US Dr Bromley Smith ree dom ot Houston Tex showed film of a boy who his thumb when a car door slammed on it reeman removed one' of the boy's toes and sewed It In place ot the missing thumb Within six weeks it began to grow Now the boy can play the piano and write p*rnally He manages satisfactorily With Only fri'r toes Satchmotd Star CASTRO STRATEGY idel Castro apparently upset by recent developments against bis revolutionary nment has decided to resign as Cuban premier amid speculation that his absence from the office would be that the people would rally to demand bls return as preniert He and others In his govern ment have been accused of being Coiwnunischargea they deny and there has been evidence of armed opposition Sugar and cat tie in a a have vigorously fought plan to break up large land holdings to provide the landless with small farms Newspaper deal Canadian millions! publisher Roy Thomson has added the Kern gley newspaper group tn Britain to his chain ROO WATER MAY NOT be discharged or outlet ted by any method either directly or indirectly into the Municipal Sewerage System which will cause sewers to back By PRESTON McGRAW United Press International Many owners of high fidelity equipment complain about their records scratching and popping and wonder whether they can do anything about it They can The main thing is to keep records clean Be sure fai the first place that you get unplayed records Buy from places where you listen to a demonstra tor and if you decide to buy get a sealed virgin record out of stock Then be carefid to keep it dean Vlnylite records seem to attract dust as magnets attract steel filings Handle it carefully by the edges ao that your fingers smudge the grooves After you are through playing it take it off the turntable again not touching the grooves Put it back into its jacket promptly Every minute the record is in the open it collects dust and grit One of the best ways to clean records is to wash them in luke warm suds One of the best known makers of fine records recommends a solution of a common detergent (Joy) He mixes one part of the detergent with 10 parte water and wets a handkerchief with the solution Then be puts ths record on a turntable and starts it going He presses the damp handkerchief down fairly hard on the record and lets the whirling of the turn table gradually brag handker Komsley directors accepted an offer to sell out to Thomson for £11250000 ($31000000) The group one of largest in cludes lour Sunday newspapers UH morning and evening papers outside London and eight provin cial weeklies The Toronto born son of a bar ber owns dailies and three weeklies in Canada and two US dailies as well as Scottish televi sion properties EAR TYPHOID EPIDEMIC Dutch authorities isolated a summer camp of 200 Canadian boys for fear that an epidemic of typhoid fever may have broken out among the youngsters sons ot Canadian servicemen in West Germany The outbreak was first stis Dave Brubeck Dizzy Gillespie Ahmad Jamal Harry Edison Max Roach and Marian McPart land Armstrong comes up in another context during a panel discussion to be moderated by Dr Marshall Stearns well known historian of jazz The question facing the is jazz an effective am bassador gf goodwill? almost receives a definite yes when Arm strong is considered Saleh" The Negro star has earned the affectionate nickname "Ambas sador in tribute to the way in which he Jias won friends for the United States during his globe girdling tours After his recent recovery from pneumonia while in Italy there was sgme doubt he would be here but he has assured the promoters he will attend Another panel which will dis cuss the value of jazz festivals to the future of the music wUl be chaired by Rev Norman O'Con nor of Boston ather O'Connor is often called the priest" because of the radio and televi sion jazz shows he conducts in addition to his regular duties as lecturer on philosophy and his tory at Boston University Mental health in Canada will get a boost from the festival as the Canadian Mental Health As sociation taken a block of 1000 tickets for the first evening The tickets are being given to anyone who donates at least $10 to the association's research fund and more than 300 have beep taken already or the Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday you have good reason for optim ism even though your financial status may not' change too greatly before early 1M0' Job advancement between now and mld Ocfober Is indicated in your horoscope and home and fam ily matters wil also be under excellent aspects for many months to come Social and romantie interests should be unusually stimulating during the coming months es peciaUy during August October and but be on guard against fatigue and emotional tension Jn mid November Be alert to good opportunities for business expansion 'bate in De cember They could lead to fine results early in the new year A child bom on this day will I 610 By ROMAN MAG ERA Canadian Press Staff Writer The steel slrike In the United States resumption of the Big our foreign ministers talks in Geneva and Russian Premier visit to Poland made newspaper headlines dur ing the 'week: The strike pulled 500000 etn jbers of the United Steelworkers I of Afflka from steel mills Workers at iron ore mines Lakes ore carriers and steel operations were Im mediately' affected Allied indus tries such as the railways were forced to curtail their operations putting many other men tempor arily out of work Thc strike also was felt in Can ada which imports about 25 per cent of Us finished steel needs However the country appears capable of standing the toss for at least six weeks More than 250 men employed In the iron ore pits and smelter of the Manmoraton Mining Company at Marmora Ont a 'subsidiary of the Bethlehem Steel Corpora tion of America joined the US strike Their contracts are ar ranged from the US There was no sign of an early strike settlement At Issue Js the union's demand for a wage in crease estimated at more than 15 cents an hour The Industry wants to freeze wages for a year The pretetrike wage averaged $310 an hour ORWARD STEP The foreign ministers resumed secret negotiations in Geneva for an Interim settlement of the Ber lin' issue Western spokesmen said they were pessimistic after the first "tea but more get togethers were' arranged Russian oreign Minister Gro agreement to the West proposed secret session was looked on as the first step for ward since res umption of the talks' Gromyko first opposed the se cret meeting unless East Ger many sal in but later dropped the demand A PROMISE "I give you our solemn pledge (hat never never never shaU we launch any war against any coun try anywhere at any time" So Soviet Premier Khrushchev told cheering miners (bring his visit to Poland "The next war will mean ca lamity for all humanity" but he added that he believe the West would start a war eitber be cause the "balance of was overwhelmingly in favor of the Communists (Program for Week of July 20 26 Inclusive) 4:00 to 5:00 pm i pected when several boys com i plained of abdominal pains i Dio camp is near Ijmuiden Holland A typhoid outbreak hit three nearby towns earlier af i fected several thousand persons and the populations were warned to cook all food carefully MANHUNT ENDS The arrest at a former German born Canadian immigrant identi fied as Guentpr ritz Erwin Pod ola ended one of big gest manhunts Podola 30 one time member of iffoe Nazi Hitler youth was sought i in connection with the shying of i Det Sgt Raymond Purdy 43 The policeman was shot to i death while trying to arrest a rrian suspected ot making offen sive calls to a 30 year oId London model Podola emigrated to Canada in 1955 and was deported last year BLUES LADY DIES Billy Holiday '44 one of the most famous of the blue!) singers died in a New York hospital Drug addiction alcohol hepatitis and heart trouble finally took their prices She entered hospital May 31 1 after collapsing In her home The illness was diagnosed as a com bination of heart and liver ail menu THE WEEK IN ONTARIO The Metropolitan Toronto li censing commix sion continued this week to hear' testimony from i prostitutes and dope addicts on their sordid life ip the downtown Dundas Jarvis Pembroke Streets area Mayor Nathan Phillips an nounced formation of a commit tee to look into the problem and Metropolitan Chairman red Gar diner said overtures have been made to the provincial govern ment towards setting up a hospi tal in Toronto for treatment of dope addicts Toronto was the scene of two gun killings this week both vic tims meeting theij death in con nection with crime Early Mon day morning Laszlo arkas 20 released recently from Kingston Penitentiary on royal amnesty terms was shot to death by a policeman in a bizarre mishap as police tried to question four men in a car about a theft Constable John petty riding a motorcycle and a fellow consta ble were pursuing the car and to avoid a collision with the other officer Contable Getty grabbed for his brake with his gun In his hand It went off killing arkas and severely wounding Joseph Kubik 20 Thursday two gunmen entered a waterfront diner and ordered everyone to lie on the floor or mer detective Arthur Keay swung I a pop bottle at one a them and in an ensuing melee a gun went off killing Ronald Watts 23 one of the would be robbers Watts 1 had escaped from Joyceville In stitutlon near Kingston only six I days previous Police charged George Burton 42 with murder After a two day preliminary hearing in Goderich Steven Tnis i cott 14 was ordered to stand trial for the strangulation murder of Lynne Harper 12 American Surgeons ind echnique in Russia CKTB DIAL 610 Reveals Plan or Replacing Lost ingers LONDON (CP) A Montreal doctor has described method lost fingers by raft ing toes in their place Dr Martin Ertin of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal told the International Congress of Plastic Surgery that Na work in transplanting feet bores to re place fingers has been tried seven different times be ambitious conscientious and highly intelligent The Day After Tomorrow Some planetary restrictions call for care in personal rela tionships on Monday Curb emo tions and be especially cautious if dealing with strangers or the Birthday If Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that it would be well to start looking ahead no since foresight in planning during the next five months can materialiy'xjffect your prospect! during I960 Do not tot toe current year pass without having Capitalized on every available opportunity for advancement especially those having to do with long range programs for financial security on the look out late this monft also in October and De cember Early October will be fine for making busfoese agreements or achieving job promotion but avoid fatigue and anxiety dur ing mid November Aspects dur ing August October and De cember Indicate a stimulating social life will also favor ro mance and home affairs Look for some excellent business news in December A child born on this day wffl 1 be dependable and self reliant but may have to ewb a tenden cy toward hyper aenaittvenees By LES HOLROYD Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) Louis Arm strong one of the world's top jazz musipians will be among more than 200 musicians partici pating in the first Canadian Jazz estival here The 59 year old trumpeter and his all star group headline the final evening performance of the festival July 22 25 4 The ranging from two beat Dixieland through progres sive or modern Jan to the brassy sound of big will be heard from the open air stage of the Canadian National Exhibition grandstand In addition to three afternoon and four evening concerts fans wiU be allowed to listen to free morning panel discussions with visiting performers talking about controversial jazz questions Devoted To JazX While jazz has been featured as an added attraction at summer theatre festivals in Canada this is the first time one had been given over completely to jazz It is co sponsored by a hotel chain and George Wein the impresario at tee Newport RI festival which opened up this new field to jazz when it first started five years ago A number of Canadians will get a chance to display their talents here Oscar Petersoh Montreal born pianist will appear with his trio on opening night while May nard erguson famed in the US for his high register trumpet playing will return to his home town as theIeader of a big band Other Canadians to be heard are" Moe Koffman the man who wrote Swinging Shepherd Blues Mike White Phil Nimmons and Ron Collier The lineup sparkles with the names of luminaries of the jazz world Included are such Dixie land instrumentalists as Pee Wee Russell Vic Dickenson Buck Clayton and blues shouter Jimmy Rushing big bands under Stan Kenton Count Basie and er guson and small groups led by ency and energy ot the person nel and by modern equipment There are no hospital staff shortages in tee Soviet Union Another thing: Guinea pigs and more are no longer the pop ular laboratory animate in Russia Lemmings are used be cause they are easier to breed cheaper to feed and have two year life span rjdaver'' blbod readily available in the Soviet Union since the Stale takes charge of the disposal of the body Healthy victims fatal accidents have their blood stored In banks with in 20 minutes after death or Tomorrow The ull Moon brings its usual warnings and good tidings Some persons may suffer emo tional streae so be tactful and underetanding te all relation ships Those In creative work who started benefiting by lunar influence late yesterday will find inspiration at fuH peak now 8 THE ST CATHARINES STANDARD Saturday July 18 19! By WILLIAM HUMPHREYS NY Herald Tribune Service LONDON ive plastic sur geons from the United States homeward bound from a tour of (foe Soviet Unton agreed today thnt Russian surgical techniques which everywhere appear to be up to modern Western stand ards sometimes range into the In the were group ed (1) use of cadaver and piac ental blood tn transfusions (2) the Bvattability of human tissue joints and biood vessels in for transplanting (3) instruments either wholly un known or nowhere to be found in the United States and (4) the temporary coverage of bums with bovine peritoneum The surgeons wbp made this liot were Drs Herbert Conwaiy Cornell University Medical Col lege New York Clarence Stra atsma New York Medical Col lege New York Truman Block er Jr University of Texas Medical Brandi Galveston Clifford Kieim Western Re aeeve Medical School Cleve land and Wallace Stefiensen Grand Rapids Mich In an Interview they quick lr yot together a picture o( Soviet skill knowledge Imag ination and energy in the special fiejd of sargrry One example of these was the imputation of a leg for a period of 25 hours and Its effective' restoration to the body During the tatehn of its sep Tle Wallaccburg is one of the Original ships built to 1923 for the Eastern Steamship Co at Shipyard Hutt Eng land The Robert Pomeroy ber sister ship if6 Atlantic during World War 11 The Wai laceburg was formerty the John Rammacber and was bought by the St Lawrence Transport ation Co in 1936 Her name was changed in 1956 Capt Hawthorn Invitation To Good Music THURSDAY 5 Schumann Manfred Overture Bamberg Symphony Dvorak Slavonic antasia Mischo Elman violin Moussorgsky: A Night on Bore Mountain Leopold Stokowski I Symphony Tschaikowsky: Nutcracker Suite trench National Symphony ''''I'! RIDAY Smetana Die Modau Berlin Philharmonic Mendelssohn: Andante and Rondo Copriccioso Ruth Slenczynska piano I Harvel Concerto for Harp and Orchestra Nicanor Zabaleta harp Weber Grhnd Duo Concertont Reynold Kell darinet( and Joel Rosen piano i' GENEVA STREET AREA SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM aration tee limb had been maintained in a healthy condi tion by a special apparatus that kept the circulation going at re frigeration temperatures ac cording to Dr Conway Instru ments unknown in the United States made possible this diffi cult feat of surgery Dr Block er added SUCH INSTRUMENTS Dr Straatsma went on were the product of an Institution that was absolutely unique as far as the American party knew The institution was the Scientific Research Institute for Experi mental Surgery There sur geons engineers metallurgists and draftsmen all worked on the same problem the de velopment of new instruments Another Moscow center sing led out for praise was the On cology (Cancer) Institute Al though small in size there were only 65 patients "various departments were go ing full blast in aH phases of cancer Dr Stefffen sen said "Research In the treatment of eancer with antibiotics was Dr Kiehn said "Another eye opencr was the Department for Chemother apy where the interesting thing was research with nitro gen Dr Conway pointed out that hospital' staffs in the Soviet Union did not have to worry about in influx of visitors The coming and going of unauthor ized person was so strictly su Sised that there jvas little er ot imported infection At every hospital the American party had to stop at the en trance to don sterilized gowns The five Americans found that 60 per cent ot the Soviet surgeone are women There are two reasons: manpower lessee during the war and the postwar conecription of male brains for experimental physics and ineering HOSPITALS are dd because they have a low priority on the government buiMing list But the lack of space appears to be The result of some operations compensated for by the effid avorite Music Sunday 700800 pm Smetana: JExcerpts from "The Bartered Bride" Los Angeles Philharmonic Tschaikowsky: Waltzes from Eijgene Onegin Serenade for Strings The Slewing Beauty and The Nutcracker Berlin Radio Symphony Liszt' Piano Concerto Ho 1 Andor oldes piano with the Berlin Philharmonic TOWNSHIP GRANTHAM MONDAY Puccini Beginning a full length presentation of "Madame Butter fly" featuring Victoria de las Angeles Anna Moria Canoll Giuseppe di Stefano Maria Huder Tito Gobbi Renato Erco lani Arturo la Porta: and Bruno Sbolchiero with the orchestra and chorus of the Opera House Rime conducted by Gianandrea Gavozzeni Act 1 THE STARS SAY By Estrellita PROSECUTIONS will occirt if any are found to have 1 0 roof water connected Records show an excessive flow of water has occurred in the Sewerage System which points out that roof water is entering into this system ROO WATER MUST BE disconnected from the System ailure to comply with regulations will incur a Penalty up to and including $300 The Credit Bureau of SI Catharines 115 CHURCH STREET What t6 Do About Scratching Popping chief and finger to tee centre of the recced The detergent chums up a lot of daunp dirt which sticks to the stylus after 'the first playing This can bs lifted off with the tips of two fingers Some persons wipe every re cord carefully with a Special doth before they play it Thia helps but a cloth does not pene trate far into the grooves A brush that goes ahead of the stylus and cleans out the grooves before the stylus passes through them probably is better than the various brands of re cord cloths Lsteners in some areas are troubled by static electricity that accumulate on records and is neard in' the speaker as a loud pop There are various devices for bleeding off static electric ity One listener who uses deter gent to clean his records also swears that it ends tee static electricity problem Some pops are caused by de fects like bubbles in records A person who gets a record with a bubble in it should take it back where he got jt and de mand a new one Scratches across records also cause pops Pickup arms acci dentally swinging across re cords are most frequently the cause of scratches across re cords The advent of stereo brought a new flood of complaints records: they popped they scratched and the noise level was high listeners should have their styli checked periodically for wear became a bad stylus can run records quickly And it takes only a few records to equal toe value of a new cartridge Cheap cartridges mat move freely up or down or side ways' with the rotation ot the record are also muider oi re cords TUESDAY Puccini: "Madome Butterfly" (cant'd) Act 2' Those were her closing re marks as she completed her order and hung up the tele phone Certainly the most convenient way to shop by telephone and being able to charge it Open your charge account at the store that dis plays the Credit Bureau Sign AND CHARGE IT PLEASE 1 a fl 4 I i a A I I vse to? i 4 1 I I 1.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.